Funded Program


We believe anyone can succeed in trading and that’s why we always look for passionate and like minded traders to support. We will provide you with the required funds to achieve your success under our guidance.

How does it work

The program supports individuals who are looking to move to the next level in trading.
We are happy to consider both beginners and experienced traders for the program.

  • We spend the first two weeks in a class teaching you our strategies and how we expect you trade.
  • We will cover everything from the basics to the more complex trading strategies.
  • After the theory part – we provide you with funds to trade the markets following our risk management plan in a profit-sharing scheme of 60% / $40 % split. Meaning you keep 60% of any profits you make, and we take 40%.
  • You will not be liable for any losses; you only participate in the upside ‘profits’.

How to apply

  • Send us your CV with a cover letter telling us about you and why you want to apply.
  • We will review you application and if we believe that you are a match, we will conduct a more detailed interview.
  • If you are approved, we welcome you on board.

What will you get from us

  • Fully funded account $5000 to begin with. We will increase your funding depending on performance.
  • Daily and weekly market reports and analysis.
  • Weekly face to face and online meetings to discuss your trading progress.
  • You will keep 60% of the profits.

Address: Road 50 Block 426 Building 44 Office 325
Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
Commercial Registration number 141757 – 1